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    Other: Policies

General Disclaimer

Don't believe everything you read on the internet! I try to provide links to accurate and reliable information as well as my own accurate and reliable original content. That doesn't mean I'm perfect. If you find a problem, please let me know!.

Linking Policy

I don't solicit or accept payment for links. If I decide to include or highlight a particular resource, it is only because I have independently determined that it may be of interest to my users - not because someone paid me to do so. I don't say this to discourage anyone from suggesting resources. I just want to make it clear that your suggestions will be considered without regard to $$$.

Having said that, I will not knowingly provide links to sites which I deem unsuitable for general audiences. That doesn't mean that I'm going to try to observe the prohibitions of every fringe group on the planet; the decision is ultimately mine. Obviously I cannot be held responsible for the content of every site to which I link, nor should links from CyberIndiana to others necessarily be construed as an endorsement of those sites or their content. Conversely, my failure to link to another site does not necessarily mean that I have expressly rejected such a link.

Some pages carry advertising, and I am compensated for that. Nearly every page has an area on the far right side of the page that is used for advertising links. These things help pay part of the expenses associated with the site.

Privacy Policy

CyberIndiana uses the services of Google Analytics to collect information about the number of times that a particular page is downloaded. For a demonstration of the sorts of information collected by Google Analytics, see their website.


Mike Habeck

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Copyright Michael Habeck